Sunday, 31 July 2011

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Ayurvedic treatment for obesity

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Ayurvedic treatment for hair falling

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Fall Control:

Ayurvedic practitioners believe that hair fall control is very much associated to the body type and also the stability of your mind-body structure. How to control hair fall? Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss helps in controlling hair related problems.
Ayurvedic treatment considers the hair as a byproduct for bone formation. The tissues which are responsible for formation of bones are also responsible for your hair growth.
ayurvedic treatment for hair loss
Individuals who have straight and fine hair and tends towards blonde or red; their hair typically turns into gray sooner.
They lose their hair early in the life or they will have prematurely thin or gray hair.
Ayurvedic treatment for hair lossis usually a combination of herbs, diet, meditation, yoga, breathing, aromatherapy, and oil massage. Forhair fall control, you need to drink 1/3rd cup of aloe vera juice. Instead of this, you can also take 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel with a pinch of cumin thrice a day for 2-3 months for hair fall control.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair Fall Control – Massaging

Massage greatly improves the blood circulation, thus increasing the health of the hair and also scalp. Daily massaging the scalp for 5-10 minutes greatly stimulates the circulation. This is very essential forhair fall control.
  • Use coconut or almond oil to rub your scalp and on the soles of your feet before going to bed.
  • Massage your hair with the oil that contains vitamin E. This greatly prevents or slows down the hair loss. Vitamin E oil strengthens fragile hair and also helps to prevent the dry and flaky skin.
  • Boil the lemon leaves in water, cool it and rinse your hair with it.
hair fall controlOne of the most effective hair fall controlhome remedies is the application of herbal serum on your scalp.
During first week, you need to apply this for 2-3 nights by using a dropper and then apply it once or twice in a week.
It is very easy to apply the serum on your scalp. Massage your scalp with the serum and leave for one night to penetrate into the affected area.
The next morning, rinse of the serum by using a conditioner. You will definitely observe best results within few weeks. The herbal serum helps to nourish your hair follicles, stops itchiness and also it restores the hair in thinning area. If the serum does not work, consider hair restoration, a non ayurvedic treatment.


Here are some tips on how to control hair fall:
  • Every morning, eat a handful of white sesame seeds, because they contain sufficient amounts of magnesium and calcium that are essential for the growth of your hair.
  • Everyday, consume some yogurt.
  • Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables, milk, salads, fruits, and sprouts in your diet. Consume enough proteins, yeast, wheat germ, buttermilk, whole grains, nuts, soya beans, and milk.
  • Moderate intake of vitamins.
  • Decrease the consumption of alcohol.
  • Consume the foods that contain sulfur, zinc, vitamin-B complex, vitamin C and essential fatty acids.


Ayurvedic herbs help to improve the blood circulation, disinfect your scalp and stimulate the growth of hair. Here are some hair fall control tips:
  • Rinsing your hair in apple cider vinegar and sage tea stimulates the growth of the hair.
  • Licorice extracts help in preventing the hair loss.
  • Horsetail is the best source of silica, which helps to keep your hair strong and look shiny and sleek.
  • Use stinging nettle, rosemary, birch, and horsetail to massage your scalp regularly for stimulating the hair growth.
  • Tea made from burdock and marshmallow is good for dry hair.
Before going to take ayurvedic treatment for hair fall control, inform the practitioner about any other treatments that you are currently using because they can interfere with ayurvedic treatment methods and cause side effects.

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ayurvedic treatment

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ayurvedic treatment

basic knowledge of ayurveda

Basics of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a scientific art to live a healthy life. This is a tradition of health. The tradition started from the creator of earth himself, Brahma and went up to many holy souls, who were the one’s who had freed themselves of all worldly desires by means of spiritual endeavors and acquiring the gift of universal knowledge. This understanding embraces the past, present and future and is till today pure and timeless. The principles are derived from universal laws of nature that have changed little through time. These principals were settled through subjective, objective, and intuitive approaches to gain knowledge, incorporated with a deep understanding of the unseen intelligence of the universe. The practices of Ayurveda have withstood the test of time. Basic Principles of Ayurveda comprise of:
Five Universal Elements: Panchmahabhootas

Today more than 100 elements have been detected by modern scientists. These are the basic elements like; hydrogen, carbon, sodium etc; which unite together to create all the beings, living or non living of our world. Presence of any one of these relative to other elements in any material will decide its physical and chemical qualities and its function in the ecological system of ours.

According to Ayurveda everything in Universe is poised of the Panchmahabhootas – Aakash (Space or ether), Vayu (Air), Teja or Agni (Fire), Jala (Water) and Prithvi (Earth). These are mixed in countless varieties of relative magnitude such that each form of matter is distinctly unique. Although each element has a range of attributes, only some get evident in particular situations. Constantly changing and interacting with each other, they craft a situation of full of life flux that keeps the world going. This all happens under the control of TriGunas.

In a simple, single living cell for example the earth element predominates by giving structure to the cell. The water element is present in the cytoplasm or the liquid within the cell membrane. The fire element regulates the metabolic processes regulating the cell. The air element is the gaseous part therein. The space occupied by the cell denotes the presence of ether, the Aakash
In the case of a complex, multi-cellular organism as a human being for instance, Akash corresponds to spaces within the body (mouth, nostrils, abdomen etc.); Vayu denotes the movement (essentially muscular but nervous system also); Agni controls the functioning of enzymes (intelligence, digestive system, metabolism); Jala is in all body fluids (as plasha, saliva, digestive juices); and Prithvi manifests itself in the solid structure of the body (bones, teeth, flesh, hair et al)

The Panchmahabhootas therefore serve as the foundation of all diagnosis and treatment modalities in Ayurveda and has served as a most valuable theory for physicians to detect and treat illness of the body and mind successfully.
The relationship of Panchmahabhootas with Sense organs, its Properties and Actions are as follows:-
PanchamahabhootaSensory FacultyIn Our Body
SpaceSoundAll body channels, working for the movement of the nutrients and all other fluids. Vacuumed organs of the body are made of Akash
AirTouchGoverns inhalation, exhalation, opening and closing of eyelids, locomotion and other motor functions.
FireVisual(Sight)Coarse and bright, pedals temperature and luster of body color. Digestion and assimilation of food is done by it inside the body
WaterTasteThe adhesive force and fluid part of the body is Jal, making things supple and smooth
EarthSmellHeavy, immobile, compact and rough. Controls organs as teeth, nails, flesh, skin, tendons and muscles. Sweet taste.

If Percentile involvement of Panchmahabhootas is known, an individual can do better with the health. Sushruta tells in His great text of Ayurveda- “There are five Prakrutis according to the involvement of these five in the body. At Atharvayurveda, we access your Prakruti according to the involvement of Panchamahabhootas also. Go to Prakruti Analysis: Your body type.

Psyche Components- Sattva, Rajas and Tamas

TriGunas are also- character and activity specific just like Panchmahabhootas. As the term ‘Tri' tells – these are three and their characteristic features are as follows:

a. Sattva: 
Neutral balanced, positive, Cool! Calm! Sweet! Disturbances can't affect this. High spirits are core of this aspect. This is able to enlighten all the objects by its glow. Rest two may cause any deformities but purity of it's never allows disturbances to invade. Kind as love of nature and pure as blessings of God!

b. Rajas: 
Rajas Guna is activity, factor responsible for change, works to rearrange the things and ideas, transaction from darkness to light or vice-versa. It transforms potential energies of life and nature into kinetic energies. New formations anywhere in the world are controlled by this specific factor.

c. Tamas: 
Inertia!! Binds things to their places, hates any alteration or renovation. This is orthodox in nature. It makes things to deposit. Negative approach is a big and positive is zero here. Important for a pause, which give the relaxation to all animates.

Where Sattva is enlightened like a sunny day; Tamas is darkened as a no-moon night, Dawn and Dusk are Rajas, for a Human Body:

TriGunasimpinge on body
SattvaThis enlightens all the subtle, gives enthusiasm, positive approach and strength to the body. Bold, brave and clean hearted person, never pain others, can face all alone.
RajasAllows transitions, transformations and controls the balance of rest two. It is in between two so always needs help of family and friends for everything.
TamasSedative in nature, causes unknown and unwanted pains, Takes a person towards the dizziness of ideas which leads to depression. If it is on higher ratio in someone, he can’t face any grief even all are with him.
Out of these three, two (Rajas and Tomas) are also known as Maha-Doshas as they can cause problems to our bodies, due to tendency of negativity (Tamas) and nature to go towards the negativity (Rajas). Sattva is pure, so no question, for appearance of a disease! These S.R.T. (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) blend with the Panchmahabhootas and these total eight prepare configuration of a human body by giving birth to Tridoshas.
According to the involvement of the Sattva, Rajas and Tamas in the body there are 16 types of Prakruti, described well by Charka Samhita. Seven among these sixteen are Sattvika, six are Rajsika and Tamsika are only three. Know your TriGuna-Prakruti and maintain your energies click Prakruti Analysis: Know your body type.

Food consumed by us, nourishes our bodies. It happens in a particular fashion. Ayurveda believes that this process gets completed in seven steps – one by one or all simultaneously. These seven steps hold body and nourish it by their activities and abilities. These are known “Sapt –Dhatus”. These are:

  1. Rasa: 
    Provides nourishment to all other six buddies of its. It's a transporter of body – Plasma fluids.

  2. Rakta:
    Works like Rasa in movement, provides energy to all other five provides color/complexion to body. Blood!!

  3. Mamsa:
    It covers the body and gives movements to the body, Muscular system of the body.

  4. Meda:
    Collects the energies and stores it for the strengths of the body, Adipose tissue, along with other components, which are liable to store energy in them.

  5. Ashti: 
    Bears the body, make it to stand upright as does the skeletal system for us.
  6. Majja:
    Responsible for love and nourishment as its structure is also smooth and soft. As it fills the gap in bones, it can be said- marrow!

  7. Shukra:
    After nourishment of the body, rest will go for the coming generation. Important for reproductive capacities of a person, or can be said a power nourishing the reproductive strengths of a person. These seven together hold up the body and provide strength for life.
When these Dhatus change in their way properly, each tissue level is nourished. For this Rasa Dhatu, the foremost should be of good quality. If it will be so, all Dhatus will good. Rasayanas are meant for this only.

know ayurveda

Know Ayurveda
Ayurveda (the science of art of healthy living) is one of the branches of Vedas. It is regarded as upaveda (offshoot) of Atharva-veda. It is a stream of the knowledge passed on from generation to generation from teachers to their students and so on. This knowledge is in a continuous flow. From where it came is not sure, who started this chain, none can tell about it. Beside teachers and students, it is passing on from a father to his son and from a mother to her daughter. It is flowing since eternity parallel to the Vedic literature that is why its emergence has been said to be from the creator (Brahma) himself. It is called eternal because nobody knows when it was not there. All this shows its long tradition and deep attachment to the Indian culture.
About Ayurveda
Etymologically Ayurveda has two word- Ayu and Veda. Ayu means life and Veda stands for the knowledge. So strictly speaking Ayurveda is knowledge for life. For what this knowledge is? What is the aim of Ayurveda? Talking about both Paramount Scholars of Ayurveda- Charka and Sushruta has told that- Aim of Ayurveda is to prevent the diseases in a healthy person and to cure the diseased one. They have given these following definitions of Ayurveda-
  • Ayurveda is a science of life. It tells what is good and what is not for the healthy life.
  • A science dealing with the details about the life, its endurance and eminence is Ayurveda.
  • An eternal knowledge, aimed to cure the diseases of all creatures is Ayurveda.
  • Ayurveda is a science which tells us how to use foods, herbs and other natural resources for maintenance of health.
  • All natural things and their effect on body is where discussed that science is known as Ayurveda.
  • Where all ailments of body, psyche and consciousness are cured and made healthy is Ayurveda.
From these definitions it is clear that Ayurveda is a complete knowledge about life, how to live life in a healthy way and to achieve harmony with the nature.

Eight limbs of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a science which was offered to students by the teachers in a chain. This knowledge was totally classified and systemized so that pupils can retain it and understand in a better way. These eight parts are known as ASHTANG AYURVEDA-
  • Kaya Chikitsa - Healing and detoxifying measures are discussed under this part of Ayurveda.
  • Shalya Chikitsa- dealing with extraction of foreign bodies
  • Shalakya Chikitsa- Dealing with disease of supra-clavicular region- ENT. & Ophthalmology
  • Agad-tantra. dealing with alleviation of poison, artificial poison and toxic symptoms due to in take of antagonistic substance
  • Kaumar Bhritya- Deals with the pregnant ladies and babies
  • Bhoot Vidya- dealing with spirit or organisms- Psychiatry Medicine
  • Rasayana- dealing with promotional measures – Rejuvenates
  • Bajikarna- dealing with aphrodisiacs
In these eight parts, Rasayana and Bajikarana are meant to promote health and to prevent the diseases. Rests are aimed to cure different diseases of different parts.
He, who has completed,
Knowledge of all these eight limbs in detail,
Is the real Vaidya “A Physician”!!

(Charka Samhita, Sutra Stahana)

Why Ayurveda is best for you
Health can’t be bought we know it very well but only few of us understands it. If one wants to remain healthy, drugs can’t do this. Drugs are for diseased ones. Conventional medicines are aimed to eliminate the diseases from the body, not to maintain the health of a healthy fellow. On other hand Ayurveda has open opinions about health, where Ayurveda says that health should be maintained; on other hand Ayurveda promotes the preventive aspect also. So Ayurveda is not for those only who are suffering with diseases due to mistakes made by them in their food habits and lifestyles.

Salient features of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is blessed with the following thoughts, making this an all time useful knowledge-
  • An individual is treated with specific considerations about him according to his metabolic, genetic, in-vivo specialization; known as Prakruti in Ayurveda.
  • Herbs are used according to the need.
  • Food is a medicine here, as foods are capable to change the inner atmosphere of the body. As all these matters are capable to collect cosmic energies, while these grow up.
  • Rasyanas are meant to control and delay unexpected aging process and to give strength to the immune system of individual organs and body systems.
  • Use of home-remedies help to maintain the health without using synthesized chemicals, which are hazardous to the health and internal system of the body.
  • Naturally blessed herbs are meant to provide the complete nourishment to all tissues and every cell.
  • Near to nature, so makes our body system natural.
  • Detoxification approach of treatment through Panchakarma procedures eradicates any disease completely.
  • Believes in cure of diseases not disappearance of the sign and symptoms of a disease.
  • Thinks about the psychology with same importance as it gives to physiology and pathology; i.e. why effective on stress management.
  • Prevents the diseases to appear so that no pain will be there at any time.
Then what to wait just redefine your health with Atharvayurveda, we have bring Ayurveda to you in its Authentic and Real form, and get blessed by nature’s best gift to us.

some knowledge about ayurveda


The three doṣas and the 5 elements from which they are composed.
At an early period, Ayurveda adopted the physics of the "five elements" (Devanāgarī: [महा] पञ्चभूत;Pṛthvī- (earth), Jala(water), Agni (fire), Vāyu (air) and Ākāśa(Sky)) — that compose the universe, including the human body.[2] Chyle or plasma (called rasa dhātu), blood (rakta dhātu), flesh (māṃsa]] dhātu), fat (medha dhātu), bone (asthi dhātu), marrow (majja dhātu), and semen or female reproductive tissue (śukra dhātu) are held to be the seven primary constituent elements – saptadhātu (Devanāgarī: सप्तधातु) of the body.[8] Ayurvedic literature deals elaborately with measures of healthful living during the entire span of life and its various phases. Ayurveda stresses a balance of three elemental energies or humorsvāta (air & space – "wind"), pitta (fire & water – "bile") and kapha(water & earth – "phlegm"). According to ayurvedic medical theory, these three substances — doṣas (literally that which deteriorates – Devanāgarī: दोष)—are important for health, because when they exist in equal quantities, the body will be healthy, and when they are not in equal amounts, the body will be be unhealthy in various ways. One ayurvedic theory asserts that each human possesses a unique combination of doṣas that define that person's temperament and characteristics. Another, view, also present in the ancient literature, asserts that humoral equality is identical to health, and that persons with preponderances of humours are proportionately unhealthy, and that this is not their natural temperament. In ayurveda, unlike the Sāṅkhya philosophical system, there are 20 fundamental qualities, guṇa (Devanāgarī: गुण, meaning qualities) inherent in all substances.[9] Surgery and surgical instruments were employed from a very early period,[9] Ayurvedic theory asserts that building a healthy metabolic system, attaining good digestion, and proper excretion leads to vitality.[9] Ayurveda also focuses on exercise, yogameditation, and massage.[10]
The practice of pañcakarma (Devanāgarī: पंचकर्म‌) is a therapeutic regime of purgation, sweating and massage that aims at eliminating toxic elements from the body.[11]
As early as the Mahābhārata, ayurveda was called "the science of eight components" (Skt. aṣṭāṅga, Devanāgarī: अष्टांग), a classification that became canonical for ayurveda. They are:[12]
In Hindu mythology, the origin of ayurvedic medicine is attributed to the physician of the gods, Dhanvantari.[13]


Several philosophers in India combined religion and traditional medicine—notable examples being that of Hinduism and ayurveda. Shown in the image is the philosopher Nagarjuna—known chiefly for his doctrine of the Madhyamaka (middle path)—who wrote medical works The Hundred Prescriptions and The Precious Collection, among others.[14]


Hinduism and Buddhism have been an influence on the development of many of ayurveda's central ideas — particularly its fascination with balance, known in Buddhism as Madhyamaka (Devanāgarī: माध्यात्मिक).[15] Balance is emphasized; suppressing natural urges is seen to be unhealthy, and doing so may almost certainly lead to illness.[15] However, people are cautioned to stay within the limits of reasonable balance and measure.[15] For example, emphasis is placed on moderation of food intake,[2] sleep, sexual intercourse, and the intake of medicine.[15]


The Charaka Samhita recommends a tenfold examination of the patient.[16] The qualities to be judged are:[16]
  • constitution
  • abnormality
  • essence
  • stability
  • body measurements
  • diet suitability
  • psychic strength
  • digestive capacity
  • physical fitness
  • age
In addition, Chopra (2003) identifies five influential criteria for diagnosis:[16]
  • origin of the disease
  • prodrominal (precursory) symptoms
  • typical symptoms of the fully developed disease
  • observing the effect of therapeutic procedures
  • the pathological process'
Ayurvedic practitioners approach diagnosis by using all five senses.[16] Hearing is used to observe the condition of breathing and speech.[8] The study of the lethal points or marma is of special importance.[9] Ayurvedic doctors regard physical and mental existence together with personality as a unit, each element having the capacity to influence the others. One of the fundamental aspects of ayurvedic medicine is to take this into account during diagnosis and therapy.


Sesame and sunflower oil are used in ayurvedic medicine. Both contain linoleate intriglyceride form and may haveantineoplastic properties.[17]
Hundreds of plant-based medicines are used in ayurvedic medicine—including cardamomand cinnamon.[18]
Hygiene is an Indian cultural value and a central practice of ayurvedic medicine.[8] Hygienic living involves regular bathing, cleansing of teeth, skin care, and eye washing.[8] Occasional anointing of the body with oil is also prescribed.[8]


Ayurveda stresses the use of plant-based medicines and treatments.[8] Hundreds of plant-based medicines are employed, including cardamom and cinnamon.[8] Some animal products may also be used, for example milkbones, and gallstones.[8] In addition, fats are used both for consumption and for external use.[8] Minerals, including sulfur,arsenicleadcopper sulfate and gold are also consumed as prescribed.[8] This practice of adding minerals to herbal medicine is known as rasa shastra.
In some cases, alcohol is used as a narcotic for the patient undergoing an operation.[8] The advent of Islamintroduced opium as a narcotic.[12] Both oil and tar are used to stop bleeding.[8] Traumatic bleeding is said to be stopped by four different methods ligation of the blood vesselcauterisation by heat; using different herbal or animal preparations locally which facilitate clotting; and different medical preparations which constrict the bleeding or oozing vessels. Different oils may be used in a number of ways including regular consumption as a part of food, anointing, smearing, head massage, and prescribed application to infected areas.[19]


Ensuring the proper functions of channels (srotas) that transport fluids from one point to another is a vital goal of ayurvedic medicine, because the lack of healthy srotas is thought to cause rheumatism,epilepsyautismparalysisconvulsions, and insanity. Practitioners induce sweating and prescribe steam-based treatments as a means to open up the channels and dilute the doshas that cause the blockages and lead to disease.[20]


The mantra ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ written on rocks. Chanting mantras has been a feature of ayurveda since the Atharvaveda, the vedic spiritual text, was compiled.[21]
One view of the early history of ayurveda asserts that around 1500 BC, ayurveda's fundamental and applied principles got organised and enunciated. In this historical construction, Ayurveda traces its origins to the VedasAtharvaveda in particular, and is connected to Hindu religionAtharvaveda (one of the four most ancient books of Indian knowledge, wisdom and culture) contains 114 hymns or formulations for the treatment of diseases. Ayurveda originated in and developed from these hymns. In this sense, ayurveda is considered by some to have divine origin. Indian medicine has a long history, and is one of the oldest organised systems of medicine. Its earliest concepts are set out in the sacred writings called the Vedas, especially in the metrical passages of theAtharvaveda, which may possibly date as far back as the 2nd millennium BC. According to a later writer, the system of medicine was received by Dhanvantarifrom Brahma, and Dhanvantari was deified as the god of medicine. In later times his status was gradually reduced, until he was credited with having been an earthly king [8] named Divodasa.[22]
A different historical narrative been developed by professional historians of medicine during the last twenty years. In this account, the medicine of the Atharvaveda and other Vedas is not directly connected to the origins of Ayurveda, although there are some continuities, especially in the area of pharmacology. The first traces of the ideas that become central to ayurvedic medical theory, such as the theories of doshas (humours) and the classification of disease causes, occur in the Pali Tripitaka, the Buddhist Canon. It has therefore been proposed that ayurvedic theory and practice owes a great deal to the practices and ideas of the ascetic milieu of the fifth to the third centuries BCE. This would include the early Buddhists, the Ajivikas, the Jains, and the ascetics mentioned in the Upanisads, as well as non-denominational renouncers.

Cataract in human eye – magnified view seen on examination with a slit lamp. Cataract surgery was known to the physician Sushruta in the early centuries of the first millennium AD,[23] and was performed with a special tool called thejabamukhi salaka, a curved needle used to loosen the obstructing phlegm and push it out of the field of vision.[23] The eye would later be soaked with warm butter and then bandaged.[23]
Underwood & Rhodes (2008) hold that this early phase of traditional Indian medicine identified 'fever (takman), coughconsumptiondiarrheadropsy,abscessesseizurestumours, and skin diseases (including leprosy)'.[8] Treatment of complex ailments, including angina pectorisdiabeteshypertension, and stones, also ensued during this period.[6][24] Plastic surgerycataract surgery, puncturing to release fluids in the abdomen, extraction of foreign elements, treatment of anal fistulas, treating fracturesamputationscesarean sections, and stitching of wounds were known.[8] The use of herbs and surgical instruments became widespread.[8] The Charaka Samhita text is arguably the principal classic reference. It gives emphasis to the triune nature of each person: body care, mental regulation, and spiritual/consciousness refinement.
Other early works of ayurveda include the Charaka Samhita, attributed to Charaka.[8] The earliest surviving excavated written material which contains references to the works of Sushruta is the Bower Manuscript, dated to the 6th century AD. The Bower manuscript is of special interest to historians due to the presence of Indian medicine and its concepts in Central Asia.[25] Vagbhata, the son of a senior doctor by the name of Simhagupta,[26] also compiled his works on traditional medicine.[8] Early ayurveda had a school of physicians and a school of surgeons.[3] Tradition holds that the text Agnivesh tantra, written by the sage Agnivesh, a student of the sage Bharadwaja, influenced the writings of ayurveda.[27]
The Chinese pilgrim Fa Hsien (ca. 337–422 AD) wrote about the health care system of the Gupta empire (320–550) and described the institutional approach of Indian medicine, also visible in the works of Charaka, who mentions a clinic and how it should be equipped.[28] Madhava (fl. 700), Sarngadhara (fl. 1300), and Bhavamisra (fl. 1500) compiled works on Indian medicine.[25] The medical works of both Sushruta and Charaka were translated into the Arabic languageduring the Abbasid Caliphate (ca. 750).[29] These Arabic works made their way into Europe via intermediaries.[29] In Italy, the Branca family of Sicily and Gaspare Tagliacozzi (Bologna) became familiar with the techniques of Sushruta.[29]
British physicians traveled to India to see rhinoplasty being performed by native methods.[30] Reports on Indian rhinoplasty were published in the Gentleman's Magazine in 1794.[30] Joseph Constantine Carpue spent 20 years in India studying local plastic surgery methods.[30] Carpue was able to perform the first major surgery in the western world in 1815.[31] Instruments described in the Sushruta Samhita were further modified in the Western World.[31]

Current status

A typical ayurvedic Pharmacy, Rishikesh.

Within India

In 1970, the Indian Medical Central Council Act which aims to standardize qualifications for ayurveda and provide accredited institutions for its study and research was passed by the Parliament of India.[32] In India, over 100 colleges offer degrees in traditional ayurvedic medicine.[10] The Indian government supports research and teaching in ayurveda through many channels at both the national and state levels, and helps institutionalize traditional medicine so that it can be studied in major towns and cities.[33] The state-sponsored Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS) is the premier institution for promotion of traditional medicine in India.[34] The studies conducted by this institution encompass clinical, drug, literary, and family welfare research.[34] To fight biopiracy and unethical patents, the Government of India, in 2001, set up the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library as repository of 1200 formulations of various systems of Indian medicine, such as ayurveda, unani and siddha.[35][36] The library also has 50 traditional ayurveda books digitized and available online.[37]
Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) a statutory body established in 1971, under Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH), Ministry of Health and Family WelfareGovernment of India, monitors higher education in ayurveda.[38] The Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) degree is the basic five-and-a-half year course of graduation. It includes eighteen different subjects comprising courses on anatomy with cadaver dissections, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, modern clinical medicine & clinical surgery, pediatrics, along with subjects on ayurveda like Charaka Samhita, history and evolution of ayurveda, identification and usage of herbs (dravyaguna), and ayurvedic philosophy in diagnostics and treatment. post graduation programmes are also available in various specialities in ayurveda including surgery, paediatrics etc. The degree is awarded as m.d (ayurveda vachaspati) and m.s ayurveda (ayurveda dhanvantri). CCIM has also started the post graduation diplomas in various specialities of ayurveda.
Many clinics in urban and rural areas are run by professionals who qualify from these institutes.[32] Mukherjee & Wahile cite World Health Organization statistics to demonstrate the popularity of traditional medicine as the primary system of health care.[39]

Outside India

Academic institutions related to traditional medicine in India have contributed to ayurveda's international visibility.[40] Kurup (2003) comments on the role of Gujarat Ayurved University:[40]
Several international and national initiatives have been formed to legitimize the education and practice of ayurvedic medicine as CAM in countries outside India:
  • WHO policy of traditional medicine practice [41] and standardized benchmarks for training of Ayurvedic practitioners [42]
  • The European Federation for Complementary and Alternative Medicine[43]
  • The European Ayurveda Association[44]

In Sri Lanka

Due to different laws and medical regulations in the rest of the world, the unregulated practice and commercialization of ayurvedic medicine has raised ethical and legal issues; in some cases, this damages the reputation of ayurvedic medicine outside India.[47][48][49]

In the United States

Early contributors to the promotion of Ayurveda in the United States include the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation group along with Dr. Deepak Chopra. Other important early promoters include Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. Robert Svoboda Dr. John Douillard, Dr. Sarita Shrestha and Dr. Marc Halpern. In 1995, the California College of Ayurveda became the first State-Approved institution for training practitioners of Ayurveda in the United States marking the beginning of the formalization of Ayurvedic education in the United States. In 1997, Dr. Marc Halpern and several graduates of the California College of Ayurveda formed the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine. This association was the first State association promoting the interests of Ayurveda in the United States. In 1998, four individuals founded the National Ayurvedic Medical Association. These four individuals were Dr. Marc Halpern, Wynn Werner, Dr. Kumar Batra and Cynthia Copple. In 2009, the United States of America National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) of the National Institutes of Health expended $1.2 million[57] of its $123 million annual budget on ayurvedic medicine-related research.

In the United Kingdom

The British Ayurvedic Medical Council (BAMC) and British Association of Accredited Ayurvedic Practitioners (BAAAP) Ayurveda Practitioners Association (APA)
Ayurveda was introduced to UK in early eighties. In 2001, the Thames Valley University started the first degree qualification in Ayurveda. It was followed by Manipal Ayurvedic University of Europe (BSc- Ayurveda) in 2006 and Middlesex University offering bachelors and masters degree programmes in Ayurveda.
The Secretary of State for Health has announced in a Ministerial Statement issued on 16 February 2011 by the UK Department of Health that the Health Professions Council (HPC) has been asked to establish a statutory register for practitioners supplying unlicensed herbal medicines including Ayurveda.A formal consultation exercise will take place on specific legislative proposals for establishing the register and proposed reforms of medicines legislation later in 2011. Subject to Parliamentary procedures, the Department of Health aims to have the legislation in place in 2012.


A variety of peer reviewed journals focus on the topic of ayurvedic medicine:
  • Ancient Science of Life[58]
  • Theoretical and Experimental Journal of Ayurveda and Siddha
  • Journal of Research & Education in Indian Medicine (JREIM),[59]
  • AYU[60]
  • The International Journal for Ayurveda Research (IJAR)[61]
None of the journals except IJAR[62] are PubMed indexed. The first subspeciality journal for the field of ayurvedic medicine was launched in July 2010.[63] Its focus is rheumatology and it is titled the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology in Ayurveda.[64]


In December 1993, the University of Mississippi Medical Center had a patent issued to them by United States Patent and Trademark Office on the use of turmeric for healing.[65] The patent was contested by India's industrial research organization, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), on the grounds that traditional ayurvedic practitioners were already aware of the healing properties of the substance for centuries, and that this prior art made the patent a case of bio-piracy.[66] The Government of India had become involved in promoting traditional medicine by 1997.[4] R A Mashelkar, director-general of the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, made the following observation:[67]
This is a significant development of far-reaching consequences for the protection of the traditional knowledge base in the public domain, which has been an emotional issue for not only the people of India but also for the other third world countries.

Scientific evidence

Chemical structure of curcumin used in ayurvedic medicine. Shown here in itsketone form.
As a traditional medicine, many ayurveda products have not been tested in rigorous scientific studies and clinical trials. In India, research in ayurveda is largely undertaken by the statutory body of the Central Government, the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS), through a national network of research institutes.[68] A systematic review of ayurveda treatments for rheumatoid arthritis concluded that there was insufficient evidence, as most of the trials were not done properly, and the one high-quality trial showed no benefits.[69] A review of ayurveda and cardiovascular disease concluded that while the herbal evidence is not yet convincing, the spices are appropriate, some herbs are promising, and yoga is also a promising complementary treatment.[70]
Some ayurvedic products, mainly herbs used for phytotherapy, have been tested with promising results. Studies suggest that Turmeric and its derivativecurcumin are antioxidants.[71][72] Tinspora cordifolia has been tested.[73] Among the medhya rasayanas (intellect rejuvenation), two varieties of Salvia have been tested in small trials; one trial provided evidence that Salvia lavandulifolia (Spanish sage) may improve word recall in young adults,[74] and another provided evidence that Salvia officinalis (Common sage) may improve symptoms in Alzheimer's patients.[75] In some cases, ayurvedic medicine may provide clues to therapeutic compounds. For example, derivatives of snake venom have various therapeutic properties.[76] Many plants used as rasayana (rejuvenation) medications are potent antioxidants.[77]Neem appears to have beneficial pharmacological properties.[78]
Mitra & Rangesh (2003) hold that cardamom and cinnamon stimulate digestive enzymes that break down polymeric macromolecules in the human body.[18] Research suggests that T. arjuna is useful in alleviating the pain of angina pectoris and in treating heart failure and coronary artery disease.[79] T. arjuna may also be useful in treating hypercholesterolemia.[79]
Research suggests that Terminalia arjunais useful in alleviating the pain of angina pectoris and in treating heart failure andcoronary artery diseaseT. arjuna may also be useful in treatinghypercholesterolemia.[79]
Azadirachta indica—believed to have immunopotentiating abilities and used often as an anti-infective—has been found to enhance the production of IL-2 and increase immunity in human volunteers by boostinglymphocyte and T-cell count in three weeks.[80]
Black pepper and long pepper are combined with ginger to form the traditional trikatumixture in ayurveda. This mixture increases appetite, promotes the secretion of digestive juices, and cures certain gastric disorders, particularly achlorhydria andhypochlorhydria.[81]


Rasa shastra, the practice of adding metals, minerals or gems to herbs, is a source of toxic heavy metals such as leadmercury and arsenic.[82] Adverse reactions to herbs due to their pharmacology are described in traditional ayurvedic texts, but ayurvedic practitioners are reluctant to admit that herbs could be toxic and the reliable information on herbal toxicity is not readily available.[83]
A 2004 study found such toxic metals in 20% of ayurvedic preparations that were made in South Asia for sale around Boston and extrapolated the data to the United States more broadly. It concluded that excess consumption of these products could cause health risks.[84] A 2008 study of more than 230 products found that approximately 20% of remedies (and 40% of rasa shastra medicines) purchased over the Internet from both US and Indian suppliers contained lead, mercury or arsenic.[82][85][86]
Traditionally the toxicity of these materials are believed to be reduced through purification processes such as samskaras or shodhanas (for metals), which is similar to the Chinese pao zhi, although the ayurvedic technique is more complex and may involve prayers as well as physical pharmacy techniques. One medical journal reported:
Crude aconite is an extremely lethal substance, yet ayurveda looks upon it as a therapeutic entity. Crude aconite is always processed, i.e. it undergoes 'samskaras' before being utilised in the ayurvedic formulations. This study was undertaken in mice, to ascertain whether "processed" aconite is less toxic as compared to the crude or unprocessed one. It was seen that crude aconite was significantly toxic to mice (100% mortality at a dose of 2.6 mg/mouse) whereas the fully processed aconite was absolutely non-toxic (no mortality at a dose even 8 times as high as that of crude aconite). Further, all the steps in the processing were essential for complete detoxification.[87][88]
Following concerns about metal toxicity, the Government of India ruled that ayurvedic products must specify their metallic content directly on the labels of the product.[89] The harmful effects of the samples is attributed in part to the adulterated raw material and lack of workers trained in traditional medicine.[90] In a letter to the Indian Academy of Sciences, director of the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, University of Pune Bhushan Patwardhan stated that the metal adulteration is due to contamination and carelessness during the much faster modern manufacturing processes, and does not occur with traditional methods of preparation.[91]