Monday, 1 August 2011

Stages of the treatment

Stages of the treatment
First stage :- This includes the external and internal application oils followed with fomentation or sudation. By this the unbalanced doshas lodged in the weak parts of the channels are liquified and loosened.
Main or second stage :- In this stage the loosened and liquified doshas are expelled out of the body by the appropriate purifactory procedure.
Post therapy :- This includes the regimens to be practised after the purification. This is mainly intended to augment the digestive fire.


'Health is purity and disease is impurity
                                     So purification is the treatment.’                    (old Indian saying)
Purification therapy is a unique feature of Ayurveda by which the complete cure and non recurrence of disease is made possible.
     The functional components (doshas, namely vatha, pitha & kapha ) move all around the body through the channels of circulation to do the normal physiological activities. The disease is the result of imbalance in the quantity and quality of the doshas. During the disease process, the unbalanced doshas get lodged in the weak parts of the channels of circulation and produce the disease symptoms. If the channels of circulation are pure and healthy, even the aggravated doshas cannot locate anywhere and produce disease
     Ayurveda offers two measures in the management of a disease :
   1. Pacifying therapy :- in which the unbalanced doshas are pacified with in the body itself. As this therapy don’t cleanse the channels of circulation, there is the possibility of reprovocation when exposed to similar causative factors.This therapy is suited in conditions in which there is not much vitiation of the doshas.2. Purification therapy :- It is aimed at the complete expulsion of the unbalanced doshas and the purification of the channels of circulation. As the channels are cleansed and strengthened by this process, the chance of recurrence is nil.
Purification therapy can be implemented not only for curing diseases but to maintain health. No other systems of medicine can offer such an effective treatment measure. So we can proudly declare our superiority of Ayurveda to any other systems on account of its purification therapy.
The purification otherwise called 'Pancha karma therapy' is   implemented in five ways.
1. Enema therapy :- It is best for vatha imbalance.
2. Purgation therapy :- Best for pitha imbalance.
3. Emesis therapy :- For kapha imbalance.
4. Nasal drops :- For all diseases above the neck.
5. Blood letting :- Best for removing blood impurities.

Ayurvedic First Aid Treatments

Acne: Apply a paste of turmeric and sandelwood powder to the affected area. You can use about half a teaspoon of each powder and mix it with water or rose water to make a paste.
For internal treatment take a cupful of aloe vera juice two times a day until the acne clears.

Asthma: Combine Licorice and ginger herbs and drink them as a tea , about half a teaspoon of both herbs for one cupful of water. You can also have some onion juce, mixed with one teaspoon of honey and a pinch of black pepper.
Backache: Apply a paste of ginger and eucalyptus oil to the affected area.
Bad breath: Drink half a cup of aloe vera juice twice a day and eat fennel seeds. Cleanse the mouth with licorice powder until freshness is restored.
Bleeding : External - Apply ice or sandelwood paste on the bleeding area.
Internal- Drink warm milk with saffron and turmeric powder ( half teaspoon each) .

Boils: Apply cooked onions as a poultice or a paste of ginger and turmeric powder directly to the boil. This will bring the skin boil to a head.
Burns: Make a paste of fresh aloe vera gel mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder or apply ghee or coconut oil.
Cold: Boil some ginger powder in water and inhale the steam . Apply some Eucalyptus oil to the sides of the nose , which will help to relieve congestion. You can also inhale calamus root powder into each nostril.
Constipation: Drink one glass of water boiled with one tablespoon of flax seed at bedtime or a glass of hot milk with one teaspoon of ghee.
Cough: Gargle one glass of warm water to which a pinch of salt and two pinches of turmeric have been added. If there is mucus production, take half teaspoon of ginger powder, one pinch of clove powder and one pinch if cinnamon powder on one cup of boiled water as a tea.
Diarrhoea: Mix equal parts of yogurt and water and add some fresh ginger.
Earache: Place three drops of garlic oil in the ear or a mixture of onion juice and honey.
Ears - ringing: Place three drops of clove oil into the affected ear.
Exhaustion - Heat: Drink a glass of coconut water or grape juice. Or cook a few dates in water, blend them and drink.
Eyes - burning : Introduce four drops of pure rose water into the affected eye. Fresh aloe vera gel may also be used. You can also apply castor oil to the soles of the feet.
Gas - abdominal : Mix one pinch of baking soda with one cupful of water and the juice of one-half lemon and drink.
Gums - bleeding : Drink lemon juice or massage gums with coconut oil.
Head ache: Sinus headache can be relieved by under going sudation after applying gingelly oil mixed with camphor. Temporal headache can be relieved by the application of sandalwood paste to the temples.
Hemorrhoids/Bleeding type: Drink one-half cup full of aloe vera juice 3 times daily. Drink one teaspoon sandal wood paste mixed with milk twice daily.
Hemorrhoids/non bleeding: Boil 50 grams onion with 150 ml milk and drink twice daily.
Hiccups: Do pranayama/take deep inhalations and exhalations
Indigestion: Take one cupful of onion juice with one half-teaspoon honey and one-half teaspoon full of black pepper.
Muscle strain: Apply gingelly oil mixed with camphor or rock salt over the affected area
Over eating: Boil 2 cupful of water with I teaspoon of coriander powder and 1 teaspoon ginger powder. Drink this one-tablespoon each at an interval of 1 hour.
Poison bites & stings: Apply sandal wood/turmeric paste to the affected area
Shock: Inhale fresh broken onion or inhale calamus root powder
Sleep (lack): Drink one cup full of warm cow's milk with rock candy/honey.
Gently massage the soles & scalp with sesame oil mixed with equal quantity of ghee.

Sore throat: Gargle with hot water mixed with one forth teaspoon of turmeric powder and a pinch of salt.
Tooth ache: Apply 3 drops of clove oil to the affected tooth. Gargle with warm sesame oil.

natural treatment for swine flu

Arthritis Back Pain Relief Products

Arthritis is considered to be one of the widely spread disease in North America. Don’t take arthritis easily, there are lot more, say hundreds and thousands of disease included in this one term called arthritis. Let us get on to more details about this in the coming paragraphs.
Arthritis, if developed once, it is not that easily curable. Arthritis may be with you even for your life time like how your shadow follows you throughout your life.
Arthritis, what it is? It is related to joint pains and swelling. There are hundreds and thousands forms of arthritis prevalent these days. In general, public is of the opinion that only old age people will get arthritis and younger generation need not worry about it. However, this is not true.
Fact about arthritis is that even small children are prone to arthritis. Arthritis can either be mild or severe. When mild, we will not be able to take notice of arthritis. When severe, it might even affect your daily chores.
Consult your doctor before you go in for arthritis back pain relief products. Self-medication is always dangerous. Use Internet to the maximum and do proper research before settling on to arthritis back pain relief product.
Loads of information is available in the Internet. All you have to know is how to effectively use the World Wide Web to gather the requisite information. Just type in arthritis back pain relief and see the amount of information that you get. Lots of arthritis pain relief creams and tablets are available to relieve yourself from the pain you are suffering.
Let me give you an insight about few arthritis back pain relief products among the many that are available in the market.
Remarkable Recovery:
Remarkable Recovery is considered to be the best online company that deals with arthritis back pain relief product. Main and exciting features about their products are that they are made of natural ingredients and are safe to use. They have their own range of powders, capsules and tablets.
You name a disease; they have a product for it. They have a wide range of natural products that cures from ailments like diabetes, gout, anti-aging, eczema to name a few.
Ayurvedic Care:
Ayurvedic care is another company that deals with natural arthritis back pain relief products. They have medicines for various forms of arthritis like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatia disorders, cervical spondylosis, and much more.
If the pain is unmanageable, it is recommended that you visit the nearest medical practitioner as it may even lead to crippling. Don’t take medicines as you wish. Work closely with your doctor. Ensure that there is adequate improvement in the treatment. You should co-operate with the doctor if you wish to see good results. If your doctor asks you to take a particular medicine twice a day or tells you to go for a walk, ensure that you follow it. If not, desired results may not be achieved.

Ayurvedic Medicines – A Safer and Much Preferred Option

Ayurveda, also known as the science of life, is a holistic healing science native to the Indian subcontinent. Now it is practiced in almost all parts of the world. It has become one of the most popular and beneficial treatment options among people. The word ‘Ayurveda’ has evolved out of Sanskrit which is actually a combination of two words ‘ayus’ that means life and ‘veda’ which means related to knowledge. Thus Ayurveda refers to the science of life.
Ayurveda not only helps in treating the diseases but it also denotes a complete way of life. Ayurvedic medicines have become the first choice in terms of treatment options for people all over the world. There are various benefits that these medicines offer over all other kinds of treatment options. Given below are some of them:
o Ayurvedic medicines are quite safe as compared to chemical based medicines. These medicines are free from all kinds of side effects thus ensures a safe treatment.
o These medicines not only help you get physical health but also help in maintaining the mental health.
o Ayurvedic medicines aim at preventing the diseases in future apart from treating them in present.
o They are non toxic as well as non invasive and thus people use them as an alternate option along with their other conventional therapies.
o They are beneficial for solving metabolic, chronic and various stress related issues.
o They are quite effective and they are available for almost every kind of ailment.
Taking a look at the above mentioned benefits it becomes crystal clear why people prefer ayurvedic medicines over other treatment options. There are various other facts too about Ayurveda that attract people and make them get inclined towards this holistic approach that has been existent for a very long time. Ayurveda focuses on holistic health instead of concentrating merely on the physical body. This proves to be the most attractive and beneficial aspects of ayurvedic medicines.
They provide physical, mental and spiritual health to people and thus can be considered as one complete medical system. These options treat human body as a part of nature and recommend living a life style closer to the nature. It aims at promoting harmony between individuals and nature. Ayurvedic medicines usually practice and conceptualize some major medicinal subspecialties. These include the internal medicines, general surgery, otorhinolaryngology, pediatrics and gynecology, psychiatry, toxicology, nutrition, detoxification & rejuvenation and fertility & virility
This shows that Ayurvedic medicines cover a very large area of health and you get any of your ailments treated with these medicines. What else can one ask for if he or she gets an assurance that the medicines they are trying would help them without leaving any kinds of adverse effects on their bodies? I don’t think anybody would try ignore such an interesting and on top of all safe option. So, we can understand why Ayurveda has successfully managed to retain its position despite of the various new developments every second day in the field of medical sciences

Best Herbal and Ayurvedic Cure for Eczema Treatment

Eczema is a skin disease, which is observed as exfoliation of the skin, mostly accompanied by severe itching. In the chronic stages, there may be oozing of pus and bleeding from the affected regions. It is also commonly referred to as dermatitis.
In Ayurveda, eczema is known as Vicharchika. It is caused due to the vitiation of all the three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha. Eczema is an infectious disease. It can spread from one person to another. It has been found to run in families. Especially if there is some allergy, then there is greater chance of eczema. Other factors that can bring on eczema are age, climate, food, stress and nature of skin. Eczema has more chances of occurring during puberty and menopause.
Useful Herbs for the Treatment of Eczema
- Babul (Acacia arabica) The bark of the babul tree is potent in the treatment of eczema. It is boiled in water and the fumes are used to foment the affected areas.
- Butea (Butea monosperma) In the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema, its the seeds of the butea tree that are useful. The seeds of the butea are mixed with lime water and are applied on the affected regions to get the required benefits.
- Linseed (Linum usitatissimum) Linseed is applied on the affected regions in the form of its oil mixed with lime water. This is effective in the treatment of many skin ailments including eczema.
- Madhuca (Madhuca indica) Madhuca leaves are used to get the madhuca oil. This is applied on the regions where the eczema has occurred to obtain relief.
Dietary Treatments for Eczema
The following dietary rules are very important for eczema patients to be obeyed:-
- Salt must be reduced in the diet.
- Sour foods must be avoided. This includes all pickles, curds, etc.
- Bitter tastes are useful. These are obtained from vegetables such as bitter gourd, bitter drumstick and flowers of the neem tree.
- Turmeric has a soothing effect on the skin. It must be used liberally in flavoring the food. Turmeric is also useful if it is applied locally over the affected parts.
Ayurvedic Treatments for Eczema
Eczema is a constitutional disease. Its cause is deep-seated within the body. Hence external medications are not effective in eczema. With such medications, the outer symptoms may disappear, but the underlying cause remains. Ayurveda attempts at curing eczema from its roots. The method used is an elaborate process to purify the blood of the individual.
The different steps involved are:-
a) Snehana – This method oleates the skin, i.e. makes it smooth using oily preparations. b) Swedana – This method induces sweating which removes the toxins from the blood. c) Panchkarma – These are the five steps to improve the blood. They include vamana (emesis), virechana (purgation), vasti (enema), siro-virechana (errhines) and rakta mokshana (blood-letting).
The following Ayurvedic preparations are used in the treatment of eczema:-
One teaspoonful of Panchatikta ghritam twice a day and one tablet of Arogyavardhini thrice a day are prescribed to all patients of eczema.
In addition, a dosage of 50 milligrams of Chaturmukha rasa with gold is prescribed to be taken twice a day along with 15 milliliters of Khadirarishta thrice a day. All treatments must be continued for one month.
Physicians would suggest massaging the area with Mahamarichyadi taila or Guduchyadi taila.
Home Remedies for Eczema
- Applying the juice of the wild almond (Terminalia catapa) on the affected parts provides relief.
- An emulsion can be made with the seeds of the karanja (Pongamia pinnata) and lemon juice. This is very beneficial if applied externally.
- An ointment is prepared using one part of sesame oil, sixteen parts of arka (Calatropics gigantica) and one part of turmeric. This should be applied externally.
- Prepare a brew of the peel of the banyan tree. Both drinking this brew and applying it externally over the affected parts show promising results.
- After meals, take one teaspoonful of Panchanimbadi choorna, which is available at all Ayurvedic outlets.
There are some other preventive methods that are necessary for people with eczema. These are enlisted below:-
- Soap must not be used over the affected regions. Mild soaps can be used, but it is best to avoid them. Hot water must not be used for baths. Adding some olive oil to the water helps.
- If the skin over the affected part is excessively dry, then a ghee or an oil massage will help. This will prevent the skin from erupting.
- People with eczema should take care that their bodies do not suffer from sudden extremities of climate. Hence, traveling must be done with care.
- The products of wool are not good for skins affected with eczema. Hence, people with eczema must avoid blankets and sweaters that are made of wool.
- People with eczema must take care that they do not sweat too much. Sweat can irritate the eczema.
By: Dr.Anna Hardy
About the Author:

Origin of Ayurved

Ayurveda originated in India and is one of the oldest medical systems in the world. The word Ayurveda means science of life. It is the combination of two words ─ Ayu (Life) & Veda (Knowledge). It is said to have been taught by the creator, Brahma, to Daksha Prajapati, who taught it in turn to the divine twins called the Ashwinikumars. Ashwinikumars were the heavenly healers who taught this science to Indra. The personages mentioned were deities of early Vedic times. When mankind started suffering from various diseases, the wise men like Bharadwaja learnt from Indra the knowledge of medicine.

References of illness, cures and other health-related issues are found in vedas, the oldest recorded compendium of wisdom on the earth (6000 B.C.). The main source of knowledge of Ayurveda today is two sets of texts each consisting of three books viz.

  1. Brihattrayi i.e., the three major classics
    • Caraka Samhita (1500-1000 B.C.)
    • Susruta Samhita (1500-1000 B.C.)
    • Vagbhata (600 A.D.)
  2. Laghuttrayi i.e., the three minor classics
    • Madhava Nidana (700 A.D.)
    • Sarangdhara Samhita (1300 A.D)
    • Bhava Prakasha (1600 A.D).

Besides these classics, there are many more books, both ancient and contemporary, which carry the information on this Indian medical system.

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