Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Factors responsible for increasing Vata, Pitta,Kapha

Factors responsible for increasing vata:
  • Eating too much bitter, astringent and pungent tasted foods like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, beans, dry fruits, mushrooms and raw foods.
  • Too much traveling by any means of transportation.
  • Staying awake till late night or not sleeping at all.
  • Eating of junk food, frozen foods and food that has been micro-waved.
  • Excessive exposure to high noise level or high sounds.
  • Watching too much television and over exposure to computers or any other kind of electric gadgets from strong waves are emitted.
  • Indulging in too much sexual activities.
  • Excessive imagination, overworking or too much sports.
  • Taking too much medicinal, recreatonal and stimulating drugs.
  • Suppression of natural urges like urination, defecation, sneezing, cough, tears etc..
  • Emotions like fear and grief.
Aggravation of vata weakens the nervous system. Other symptoms caused by excess of vata in the body are joint pains, constipation, dry skin, loss of memory, palpitation, insomnia, stiffness of muscles, weight loss, loss of strength, migraine, vertigo, tremors, grief and fear etc.,

Factors responsible for increasing Pitta
  • Drinking too much tea, coffee, alcohol.
  • Exessive smoking.
  • Eating salty, sour, hot and spicy food, eating too much chillis, tomatos, egg plant or onions.
  • Too much exposure to heat and sun.
  • Anger.
Some of the symptoms caused by excess of Pitta in the body are hyperacidity , skin diseases, burning sensation, fever, infections, ulcers, liver disorders, malfunction of sense organs, fatigue, loss of taste and sleep disturbances.
Factors responsible for increasing Kapha
  • Eating sweet, salty and sour tastes in excess, fats, oily and fried foods , ice creams, mears, dairy products, and nuts.
  • Too much sleep, specially during day time.
  • Not doing much physical activity.
Some of the symptoms caused by excess Kapha in the body are asthma, cold, congestion in the chest, anorexia and obesity.
Thus we can relate every aspect of our life with these three doshas. If we have proper knowledge, we can maintain a balance of these three doshas and avoid many serious problems and can thus stay healthy. The treatment according to Ayurveda is to balance the tridosha. While making a diagnosis the Ayurvedic physician finds out which dosha is out of balance and tries to make the balance by prescribing some natural medicines, diet and life style.

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