Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Guidelines for maintaining Good Health

  1. Daily Routine
  2. + Awaken before sunrise + Evacuate bowels and bladder after awakening + Bathe every day to create a sense of bodily freshness + Exercise (preferably Yoga) and meditate + Wash hands before and after eating + Brush teeth after meals + Fast one day a week to help reduce toxins from the body + Sleep before 10 PM
  3. Diet and digestion
  4. + Food should be fresh, warm, tasty and easy to digest. + Eating should not be too rushed or too slow. Chew your food nicely. + Do not eat while watching TV or while reading . + Eat in peaceful and pleasant surroundings. + Do not drink water one hour before or after meals . You can have it in small quantities with meals. + There should be at least four hours difference between two meals . + Do not take too many items in one meal. The items taken should also not be contradicting one another. For example yogurt and milk or ice cream and hot coffee. + Fruits should not be mixed with meals. Either take a separate meal of fruits or eat between two meals. + If you feel tired or heaviness in the stomach after eating , this is improper eating. Eat according to your digestive power. + One teaspoon of grated fresh ginger with a pinch of salt is a good appetizer + A glass of warm milk with ginger at bedtime is nourishing and calms the mind + Exess intake of cold drinks reduces resistance and creates excess mucus + Taking a nap after lunch will increase kapha and body weight
  5. Physical Hygiene
  6. + Oil massage promotes circulation and relieves excess vata. + If possible gaze at the rays of the sun at dawn for five minutes daily to improve eyesight. + Gazing at a steady flame , morning and evening for ten minutes , improves eyesight. + Do not repress the natural urges of the body , i.e. defecation, urination, coughing, sneezing, yawning,              belching and passing gas + Bad breath may indicate constipation , poor digestion, unhygienic mouth and toxins in the colon. + Body odor indicates toxins in the system. + Rubbing the soles of the feet with sesame oil before bedtime produces a calm, deep sleep. + Reading in bed will injure the eyesight. + Application of oil to the head calms the mind and induces sound sleep. + Dry hair immediately after washing to prevent sinus problems. + Cracking the joints is injurious to the body. + Avoid physical exertion , such as yoga or running during menstruation.
  7. Mental Hygiene
        + Fear and nervousness dissipate energy and aggravate Vata.
        + Possessiveness , greed and attachment increase Kapha.
        + Worry weakens the heart.
        + Hate and anger create toxins in the body and aggrevate Pitta.
        + Exessice Talking dissipates energy and aggravates Vata .

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